We’ve put together a range of resources for you to use to learn more about the benefits of early learning, the ways in which you can help your child’s development, and the way children’s brains work!
Smart Start is a community – a community who just want the best possible outcomes for all children. That’s why we would love for you to share the resources within your centres, amongst your friends and family and anywhere and everywhere else!
Learning through play! Hear from Professor Jane Bertrand
Did you know children gain many skills through play? Creativity, communication, problem-solving and relationship building are just some of the many skills that children can develop, through play!
Make language a priority in your home! Hear from Professor Jane Betrand
What works for children’s early learning? One of the most important features of a home environment is making language a priority, according to expert Professor Jane Bertrand.
Time is the best investment. Hear from Professor Iram Siraj
Parents who invest their time in their children make a powerful difference to their eductational outcomes and their lives!
Tips for parents! Hear from Dr Steven Howard
Learning some control their behaviours and emotions is an important part of a child’s development – and parents can help them with this!
What’s the best thing parents can do for their children? Hear from Dr Ellen Frede.
What’s the best thing parents can do for their children? According to Dr Ellen Frede, the best investment you can make in your child is to give them your full attention!
What should the Australian governments do? Hear from Professor Edward Melhuish
Oxford Professor Edward Melhuish says Australian governments should do more to support children in the two years before school – or we risk falling behind!