We’ve put together a range of resources for you to use to learn more about the benefits of early learning, the ways in which you can help your child’s development, and the way children’s brains work!
Smart Start is a community – a community who just want the best possible outcomes for all children. That’s why we would love for you to share the resources within your centres, amongst your friends and family and anywhere and everywhere else!
All children and nations benefit from investment in early learning.
Hear from Professor Jane Bertrand about how all children and nations benefit from investment in early learning.
Give your child their best start in life
There are many simple things parents can do to help their child grow and develop during the first few years of life.
Early education is good for children! Hear from Dr Ellen Frede
Have you ever felt guilty about your child spending time in formal early learning? Well, Dr Ellen Frede explains why it’s time to rid yourself of that guilt!
How do we narrow the gap? Hear from Sir Kevan Collins
One of the UK’s leading thinkers on education, Sir Kevan Collins, explains the major role education plays in ensuring kids from disadvantaged background have the chance to catch up with their peers.
How do you become the economic superpower? Hear from Professor Edward Melhuish
How do you become the economic superpower? By investing in the learning of your children from a young age!
Jobs of the future! Hear from Professor Paul Leseman
How do we prepare our children for the jobs of the future – jobs which we haven’t even imagined yet?