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In the Media

May 15, 2015
Federal budget 2015: Large families to lose out amid big boost to childcare funding
About 125,000 families will lose $320 a year, with a...

May 15, 2015
Federal budget 2015: A budget that will restore political fortunes but at a cost
This is the budget of a badly rattled government that has put...

May 15, 2015
Federal budget 2015: Will Tony Abbott’s government get its second budget through the Senate?
It’s a kinder, gentler federal budget but that...

May 12, 2015
Childcare package fails children and families
The government has squandered an opportunity to set up a high...

May 12, 2015
Fact file: How the Government’s childcare plan could change things for families
The Federal Government has announced that there will be changes...

May 12, 2015
Scott Morrison’s kid gloves on upcoming childcare reform
Nine years ago, then federal Liberal MP Jackie Kelly was part of...