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In the Media

Jul 08, 2015
Why Swedish early learning is so much better than Australia’s
Most people have heard that Finland leads the world in education,...

Jun 30, 2015
Hillary Clinton talks about the benefits of early learning as part of her election platform.
It’s true that early learning can have an effect on a...

Jun 18, 2015
Child Care: The British Solution (Lateline)
With British voters being offered up to 30 hours free child care...

Jun 11, 2015
Coalition’s childcare work plan is ‘way behind’
International childcare experts have criticised the...

Jun 05, 2015
Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s childcare boost finds unlikely ally in ‘Destroy the Joint’ critic Jane
IN one of the most unlikely political endorsements in recent...

May 25, 2015
Stay-at-home parents creching the daycare party
Working families are struggling to find childcare, as new...